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Respondent Paid Surveys

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Respondent is not your normal low-paid survey site. They offer more comprehensive and well-paid research studies and interviews on a variety of topics.  While you will not qualify for all the offers, there are some that pay hundreds of dollars, for which you will have to spend at least an hour answering questions.

I have only been on there a short while and there seems to be more for US residents, but there are definitely options for international applicants.

For each option, you will have to fill out a screening survey to see if you are a good fit for the project, and there is a limit to applying for 3 every 24 hours.

Some high-paying opportunities include:

These are some of the highest paid opportunities, but there are also some for those who are not experts!

get paid to participate in surveys, focus groups and research online
Get paid to participate in research studies at
